In these crazy, Coronavirus times, there has never been a greater need to make your sanctuary feel welcoming, warm and safe.
Wash all the cushion covers - make everything feel fresh.
Throw open the windows and let the sun shine in.
Buy a houseplant and watch it thrive. If you have one already, give it some water, love and dust its pretty leaves.
Make a playlist of your favourite music or podcasts and get listening.
Add a throw to your sofa; somewhere to snuggle with a book or Netflix.
Light a scented candle. One which will remind you of more innocent times; a coastal fragrance to evoke holidays at the beach or a woody fragrance that transports you to family holidays.
Change all the bed linen, either straight from the washing line full of fresh air or fresh from the linen press. Clean sheets are one of life’s simple pleasures.
Create some ambience: turn off all the downlights and turn on the softer lamplight.
Create some special areas of retreat and make each one comfortable; at the kitchen island or a chair by a window. Have magazines at one space and a journal at the other. Make each a destination for reading and reflection.
Ring a friend; check in with family and friends as they are stuck at home too. Or even send them a gift so that they know you are thinking of them.
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